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Experiences and Skills: Knowledge of most Adobe Software, essay writing, makeup and photography, printing (including digital, screen printing, cyanotype and lino print), and hand-drawn illustration.

Reading is a passion of mine, and illustrating is something I came rather late into doing. My time on the course was spread between many different subjects including branding, and the skills of a junior graphic designer. Yet coming into the final year, I finally took the chance to explore what I really wanted to do without the pressure to conform; this is the result of that.

I like to read, write, create, cosplay, and play Dungeons and Dragons, and I feel like this always surrounds me with creativity and keeps my skills in writing and essays up to scratch. Continuing from this project, I would love to work further into illustration jobs, and potentially the publishing industry as an artist.

I respond to email, and my social platform on Instagram the most, but Twitter and LinkedIn are also other ways to contact me.

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